An opinion piece from The Africa Matters Team

Often seen as a burden, the African continent has the youngest population in the world. This is one of the reasons why we as a society should be inspired to work together towards youth empowerment and changing this “burden” narrative.
As young people, we deserve for all our human rights to be observed. The LGBTQ + community is still affected and criminalized in many parts of the continent. Freedom of expression and political association in some parts is still vilified. Women, girls and children are abused while their perpetrators roam free. Unemployment continues to run rampant as governmental leaders continue to embezzle funds that could support job creation.
We need to be clear that young people deserve an Africa that cares about our education, health, our roles in leadership, and so much more. As young Africans, we face so many issues that should be met with adequate resources and spaces that actually want us there. Youth Matter and that should be evident in the platforms and resources we are provided with.
On this International Youth Day, we stand in Solidarity with Zimbabwean youth who are taking a stand against the human rights violations in Zimbabwe.
As an organisation, Africa Matters is committed to transforming this population into an opportunity for African prosperity. Created for youth by youth, our mission is to ensure that African youth are empowered and equipped with the skills needed for their development as global changemakers and to own their narrative as Africans which is often led by those who do not have their shared lived experiences.
We hope that members of the African and African diasporan community will come together and ensure the growth and upliftment of our youth by 2021.
Happy International Youth Day.